IMDb has announced its list of the year's most popular Indian stars with Shah Rukh Khan leading in the first place. Alia Bhatt and Deepika Padukone made it to the list in second and third position respectively. 2023 has been a blockbuster year for Shahrukh Khan. He is the most successful actor of 2023 with films like Pathaan and Jawan. Both films have earned a total of more than Rs 2000 crore at the box office. Now the actor will soon be seen in Rajkumar Hirani's Dunki. It is believed that this film will also prove to be a blockbuster at the ticket window. from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
Actress Natasa Stankovic has been grabbing headlines for her engagement with Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya. Ever since the couple has shared their pictures and video of their proposal on social media, their engagement has been a hot topic of discussion among fans. Now, Natasa has shared a throwback picture of her and fiance Hardik Pandya having a chilled out time together. from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
The screening of renowned Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf's Italy-set refugee drama "Marghe and Her Mother" closed the golden jubilee edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) on Thursday here. Close to 250 films from various countries were screened at the premier movie extravaganza, which opened on November 20. The spectacular, star-studded closing ceremony brought the eight-day festivities of screenings, master classes, in-conversation sessions to a fitting climax. from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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